Jennifer Doudna, co-inventor of CRISPR Genome Editing joined us for BIS2020 Volume II to answer our questions on the future of health care. Jennifer is one of the world’s most sought-after scientists. Within genomics, we believe the convergence of next generation DNA sequencing, CRISPR gene-editing, and artificial intelligence will transform health care completely. While many don’t believe we are on the threshold of curing disease, we do.
ARK believes that the turbulence caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is giving innovation an opportunity to break through the traditional world order. Unlike their entrenched and bureaucratic competitors, those offering faster, cheaper, more effective, and creative products and services should gain significant market share and help people and businesses to overcome this crisis.
We believe that genomics and fintech are two areas primed to gain traction but currently represent some of the most misunderstood parts of the market.
For that reason, on June 24th ARK hosted BIS2020 Volume II, a live Q&A video conference that brought together a group of experts from our research ecosystem to help answer questions on innovation, fintech, genomics, and the market outlook.